If your residence does not run on a mainline sewer system, chances are you have a septic tank. These tanks can be located underground in an chamber made of concrete, fiberglass, or plastic. Domestic wastewater fills up these tanks and can sometimes build up too much, to the point where the need to be pumped.
That's where Aloha Plumbing comes in.
Our septic pump can withhold more than 1000 gallons of domestic wastewater. If your septic tank is backed up, Aloha Plumbing can get to you quickly and pump it efficiently.
How it's Done:
These jobs can be fairly tricky and if not done right, can end in a big mess- literally.
1. Locating the lid to the septic tank
This can be one of the hardest steps if you aren't already aware of where it is located. If you don't know where it is, digging to try to find the lid is a required step. In the video below, you can see the client had located, and dug up the lid them self.
2. Removing the lid and preparing for the pump
Depending on how far the lid is from our pump, extensions for the hose are crucial. In this case, extra hoses were attached to reach the tank. The hose is inserted into the tank on one end and on the other, is placed in the tank. With one flip of a switch on the septic pump, it begins to suction anything in the tank out and into the pump.
3. Watch and wait
This step can be arguably the most important. Keeping your eyes on and assuring the security of the hose can prevent leakage of the domestic wastewater or a disconnection of the hoses. Then, waiting anywhere from 30 minutes and longer for the septic tank to be completely empty.
4. Test for any issues and clean up
Anything that was backing up before the pump that the client made you aware of is to be checked for proper function post-pump. Doing this can show the client the results of the septic pump and assure them that everything is working correctly. Cleaning up any mess from the pump to keep the client's residence in good condition is always required. Wrapping up the hoses, disconnecting from the pump, and making sure the client is happy are the last steps.
Thinking About Getting Your Septic Pumped?
Aloha Plumbing has 24 hour emergency service and same day service! Our constant phone line assures you will get the help you need for your plumbing issues straight away. Aloha Plumbing is honest, affordable, and dependable.
Not sure if septic is your problem?
Give our office a call and we can decipher what exactly the problem is to guarantee you are getting the service you need.
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